The casualties of Biden’s stance on Israel
/ 14 November 2023

The casualties of Biden’s stance on Israel

The US president could pay dearly at the polls, as the global economy counts the costs of fracturing

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Ramaphosanomics cuts SA adrift
/ 4 July 2023

Ramaphosanomics cuts SA adrift

World leaders are closely associated with the economic policies they espouse, a fact that does not bode well for South Africa’s president

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/ 7 May 2008

US lawmakers debate Bill to remove stigma of ANC

Lawmakers on Tuesday debated legislation to remove former South African president Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) from an apartheid-era United States terrorist blacklist. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, recalled that ANC members could travel to United Nations headquarters in New York but not to Washington DC or other parts of the United States.

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/ 6 May 2008

Slipping, sliding and climbing

If there was ever a period that so ably demonstrated the febrile nature of politics it has been the past week or two. As Jacob Zuma strode into Downing Street after having met with the British prime minister, looking surprisingly at ease in the media glare, Thabo Mbeki was quietly meeting King Mswati III which, with all due respect to the Swazi monarch, pretty much sums up the state of play: Zuma on the ascendant, Mbeki on the slide.

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/ 14 April 2008

From big oil to big wind

T Boone Pickens is famous for thinking big. He founded his Texan oil company, Mesa Petroleum, in 1956 with just 500 in the bank. After a string of audacious takeovers he turned it into an independent empire that challenged the big oil companies, and today he is worth -billion. Now this straight-talking Southerner is launching the biggest and most audacious project of his career.

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/ 28 March 2008

Embroidered memories

The most psychologically intriguing possibility regarding Hillary Clinton’s recollection of coming under sniper fire in Bosnia is that, for her, the memory is entirely accurate. Regardless of what the conditions on the ground objectively were, she was frightened about going there and felt apprehensive throughout a tour which she hoped/feared might have to be abandoned.

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/ 26 March 2008

Obama camp turns on Clinton over pastor row

Barack Obama’s camp has accused Hillary Clinton of trying to divert attention from her exaggerated account of a 1996 trip to Bosnia after she revived a row over her rival’s fiery pastor. With Obama set to return to the campaign trail on Wednesday after a short Easter holiday, the Democratic White House foes were braced for more bitterness.

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/ 5 March 2008

McCain now has to pick a running mate

Now that he is the Republican presidential nominee, John McCain has a big decision ahead of him — who to choose as his vice-presidential running mate. A top priority for him is to pick a running mate whose presence on the ticket would reassure Americans concerned about McCain’s age.

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/ 15 February 2008

Obama rides US wave of enthusiasm

Democrat Barack Obama is the ”Yes We Can” candidate of the 2008 presidential race, an Elvis-like presence riding a wave of popular enthusiasm unseen in United States politics in many years. By contrast, rival Hillary Clinton is the policy wonk who says she has the solutions to what ails America, and she frequently lists them.

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/ 7 February 2008

Clinton, Obama wage money war

Republican frontrunner John McCain on Thursday offered an olive branch to his conservative enemies, as Democrat Hillary Clinton struggled to match Barack Obama’s multimillion-dollar money machine. Clinton faced reports she is stuck in a cash crunch after loaning her campaign -million.

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/ 24 January 2008

Clinton, Obama take war of words to airwaves

Democratic presidential contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton took their escalating war of words to the airwaves on Wednesday, launching radio ads in South Carolina directly attacking each other. Three days ahead of South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary, Clinton aired a radio ad ridiculing Obama’s recent comments.