Lihle Z Mtshali got a front-row seat to watch A-lister Trevor Noah’s penultimate hosting of The Daily Show – a gig that turned him into a superstar
After a successful run at the Toronto International Film Festival, filmmakers Babalwa Baartman and Jenna Cato Bass hope Mlungu Wam will be even better received at home
Too many eyes on the state’s tills? An SMS from the ANC suggests it’s turning to a pandemic-appropriate source of party funding
The film interrogates patriarchy, but the baseness of the US means there’s nothing left to send up
The United States has never been shy to pass judgment on African elections. What does it look like when Africa passes judgment on America’s chaotic vote?
The world has become a more complicated place — that doesn’t mean your reporting has to be.
Leon Schuster is having a few movies of his removed from Showmax and Phumlani Pikoli figures: what better time to reflect on this bruh than now?
It’s a pity that the cartoonist’s work is still able to hurt so many who encounter it even casually, writes the Daily Vox team.
‘Did any of these authors realise they were borrowing from André Brink when he gave his 2003 novel that title?’
‘Psychometric tests are becoming more common in the workplace, and we at the ministry were asked to test them and make recommendations’
‘Charlie’ represents a hierarchy of Western ideals to which not everyone subscribes.
Readers write in about animal rights, Judge President Chiman Patel, and word-frolicking.
Loyiso Gola, the face of Late Night News, talks to us about satire and being nominated for an international Emmy award.
In a discussion that ranged from the hilarious to the depressing, Zapiro and other heavyweights discussed satire and the limits of freedom of expression.
Many will rejoice if Julius retires from the public eye, but writers, satirists, playwrights and cartoonists will lose a rich source of inspiration.
Online darlings Tom Eaton and Khaya Dlanga got star treatment at the highbrow Franschhoek Literary Festival as they tackled satire in South Africa.
Loyiso Gola’s satirical news show makes politics funny again and is a surprising hit with audiences and critics.
A popular local website has been mining our political and corporate landscape for good satire. Now they’ve come out with a book. Niren Tolsi reports
Niren Tolsi asks Anthony Pascoe of Hayibo! and Justin Nurse of Laugh It Off if South Africans have lost their humour.
A week and a day ahead of the April 22 elections, the SABC has cancelled an episode of Special Assignment dealing with satire.
Take an elderly anarchist, anti-capitalist, anti-clerical cartoonist and add a suspicion of anti-Semitism and a dash of politics.
Barack Obama’s campaign decried on Monday a satirical cartoon on the cover of the New Yorker magazine.