Despite concerns about SA’s future water supply, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa insists everyone will have enough.
Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa and Mozambique’s tourism minister will take action to combat rhino poaching, says her department.
In her budget vote, Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has said that the industry shows the value of SA’s biodiversity and would be supported.
SA needs to invest an estimated R670-billion in new water and sanitation infrastructure over the next decade, says Water Affairs Minister Edna Molewa.
There could be a shortage of clean water if South Africans do not work to conserve it, says Water Affairs Minister Edna Molewa.
Gauteng has lost 480-million kilolitres of water in the last financial year – enough to fill 192 000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Local rhinos have been thrown a lifeline with a memorandum of understanding signed between Vietnam and South Africa.
Shanduka Group has denied that Minister of Water Edna Molewa had discussions with it about water licences for its coal operations.
Forty-six mines are operating without water licences in SA in violation of the National Water Act, water affairs department documents reveal.
Water Affairs Minister Edna Molewa allegedly intervened to prevent action and possible prosecution of mining companies linked to Cyril Ramaphosa.
Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa says the hunting industry has contributed millions to South Africa’s economy in past years.
Residents of a Carolina in Mpumalanga are taking the government to court after six months of waiting for their municipal water supply to be cleaned.
As SA focuses on pro-poor growth and job creation, tens of thousands of new posts in the booming green economy are being filled by young job-seekers.
The impact of water scarcity on crop farming will soon be one of SA’s biggest problems. We may need to look beyond our borders for a solution.
Diepsloot’s desperate water situation has tested
the patience of its thirsty and scared residents.
South Africa will need R570-billion for investment in the water value chain in the next 10 years, says the department of environmental affairs.
Water Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has called on the public to find a long-term solution to the acid mine drainage.
Rapidly depleting water supplies spell massive problems for SA unless enough money is raised to implement the solutions needed to prevent a crisis.
The government is committed to creating sound strategies for sustainable development progress, writes the minister of water and environmental affairs.
It’s easy to forget the importance of water, writes <b>Sipho Kings-McDermott</b>.
The African Ministers’ Council says a failure to invest in water infrastructure is holding back the economies of many sub-Saharan countries.
Water Affairs department’s plan of desalination to deal with acid mine drainage has to be fast-tracked before sulphate levels reach dangerous levels.
The City of Cape Town says it is speculation that tolls were set to be shelved — rather the city failed to resolve a dispute over a R10bn project.
SA and Lesotho are hoping to attract funding for their infrastructure plans when they show off their giant water project in France this week.
The minister of environmental affairs has launched National Water Week by cutting off the water of two H<sub>2</sub>O-hustling Free State farmers.
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/ 16 January 2012
Government officials have met to discuss the re-erection of a 150km border fence between Mozambique and South Africa.
The Kruger National Park will get 150 additional rangers to combat poaching, following news that 11 rhino have been already been killed in SA in 2012.
Pressure on government to stem the slaughter of rhinos is mounting in the run-up to public hearings on poaching to be hosted in Parliament this month.
Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has hailed South Africa’s role at COP17 as an "outstanding success".
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/ 11 November 2011
The yawning gulf between the green lobby and key elements of big business over climate change came under the spotlight this week.
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/ 21 October 2011
South Africa hopes to impress the world with its new national climate response policy — which has been in the making for years.
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/ 18 October 2011
South Africa has a clear roadmap on how to respond to the problem of climate change, Water Minister Edna Molewa said on Tuesday.